Knowledgeable foster homes are a necessity for successful rescue. We search for and keep in contact with potential foster homes throughout the United States and abroad. If you are able to foster a Savannah from time to time, please let us know.
What is needed in a foster home? Love for the cats is an obvious, a willingness to be flexible to help a Savannah in need. You will need a room (bathroom, study, guest room, your bedroom) to dedicate to a rescued Savannah for at least the initial period. You should be willing to coordinate to pick up this cat and to take to a vet when needed. Savannah Rescue will pay vet bills but we need any Savannah we take in to be updated for vaccinations, tested for FeLV/FIV, spay/neutered if necessary and microchipped. You need to spend time with the rescued Savannah and evaluate their personality, any quirks or issues that we need to consider when finding the cat a home. And then if you fall in love and the cat fits your household then you stand first in line to adopt the cat 🙂
Savannah Rescue has recently changed the way we coordinate our foster homes. Our situation is quite unique in rescue terms as we currently have thousands of people waiting to adopt a Savannah in need yet we receive few Savannahs into Rescue each year. Our efforts to help owners work through their issues likely adds to that inequity but we feel this is best for the cats. Nevertheless this has meant that people have submitted lengthy applications for nothing, with years passing before a Savannah needs fostering near them.
Savannah Rescue has found that ~90% of its foster homes end up adopting the cat they foster, hence we have combined the yahoogroups for Adoption and Fostering to the one group. Posts to that group will specify if a cat needs fostering &/or adoption. Please go to this link to join our Rescue list to learn of cats needing fostering. Additionally, you will be able to lodge your contact phone numbers with us if email is not your favored option.
Thank you for your willingness to help a Savannah in need!